Debreceni VSC vs Puskas Academy Prediction

Debreceni VSC vs Puskas Academy
15 February 2025
Draw or Puskas Academy
Probability 71%
Over/Under 2.5
Over 2.5
Probability 56%
Both Teams to Score
Probability 60%
Correct Score
1 - 2
Probability 23%
Probability 62%
Over 9.5
Probability 65%
Under 4.5
Probability 60%
Match Info
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Free Hungary NB I Prediction: Debreceni VSC vs Puskas Academy Match on 15 February 2025

Experience the thrill of the Hungary NB I as Debreceni VSC vs Puskas Academy battle it out on 15 February 2025. Based on our predictions, Draw or Puskas Academy is poised to win, with a probability of 71%. Don't forget to check Predictions for Today for our insights on Over/Under 2.5 Goals, Both Teams to Score, Half-Time, Correct Score, Corners, and Cards.