Jaume Munar vs Casper Ruud Prediction

Jaume Munar vs Casper Ruud
8 February 2025
Casper Ruud
Probability 74%
First Set Winner
Casper Ruud
Probability 76%
Set Prediction
Casper Ruud 2 - 0
Probability 44%
Total Games
Over 22.5
Probability 58%
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Free ATP Dallas Prediction: Jaume Munar vs Casper Ruud Match on 8 February 2025

On 8 February 2025, watch Jaume Munar vs Casper Ruud compete in the ATP Dallas. Our predictions favor Casper Ruud to win, assigning them a 74% chance of victory. Additionally, Predictions for Today offers predictions on the First Set Winner, Total Games, and Set Prediction outcomes for this matchup.